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Aantal resultaten: 17( DE:"queer activisme" )


Queer Activism After Marriage Equality  / 

Edited by Michael W. Yarbrough, Angela Jones and Joseph Nicholas DeFilippis.London [etc.]: Routledge, 2018 - xvii, 202 p.
uitgave: London [etc.]: Routledge, 2018 - xvii, 202 p.
samenvatting: Queer Activism After Marriage Equality focuses on the implications of legal same-sex marriage for LGBTQ social movements and organizing. It asks how the agendas, strategies, structures and financing of LGBTQ movement organizations are changing now that same-sex marriage is legal in some countries. Building on a major conference held in 2016 entitled "After Marriage: The Future of LGBTQ Politics and Scholarship," this collection draws from critical and intersectional perspectives to explore the questions and issues facing the next chapter of LGBTQ activism and social movement work. It comprises academic papers, international case studies, edited transcripts of selected conference sessions, and interviews with activists. These take a critical look at the high-profile work of national and state-wide equality organizations, analyzing the costs of winning marriage equality and what that has meant for other LGBTQ activism. In addition to this, the book examines other forms of queer activism that have existed for years in the shadows of the marriage equality movement, as well as new social movements that have developed more recently. Finally, it looks to examples of activism in other countries and considers lessons U.S. activists can learn from them.

signatuur: cat. (queer/act/aft) b


Queer Activism After Marriage Equality
cat. (queer/act/aft) b ODE3
Edited by Michael W. Yarbrough, Angela Jones and Joseph Nicholas DeFilippis.

Underdogs : social deviance and queer theory  / 

Heather Love.Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2021 - xiii, 224 p.: ill.
uitgave: Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2021 - xiii, 224 p.: ill.
samenvatting: A pathbreaking genealogy of queer theory that traces its roots to an unexpected source: sociological research on marginal communities in the era before Stonewall. The sociology of "social deviants" flourished in the United States at midcentury, studying the lives of outsiders such as homosexuals, Jews, disabled people, drug addicts, and political radicals. But in the following decades, many of these downcast figures would become the architects of new social movements, activists in revolt against institutions, the state, and social constraint. As queer theory gained prominence as a subfield of the humanities in the late 1980s, it seemed to inherit these radical, activist impulses?challenging not only gender and sexual norms, but also the nature of society itself. With Underdogs, Heather Love shows that queer theorists inherited as much from sociologists as they did from activists. Through theoretical and archival work, Love traces the connection between midcentury studies of deviance and the antinormative, antiessentialist field of queer theory. While sociologists saw deviance as an inevitable fact of social life, queer theorists embraced it as a rallying cry. A robust interdisciplinary history of the field, Underdogs stages a reencounter with the practices and communities that underwrite radical queer thought.

signatuur: cat. (love-h/und) b


Underdogs : social deviance and queer theory
cat. (love-h/und) b ODE3
Heather Love.

Comparing conceptions of gender, sexuality and lesbian identity between baby boomers and millennials  / Ella Ben Hagai, Rachelle Annechino & Tamar Antin.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 26 (2022) 3 (jul-sep), p. 216-234
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 26 (2022) 3 (jul-sep), p. 216-234
samenvatting: To answer this special issue provocation, Is Lesbian Identity Obsolete? We analyzed interviews with people who had identified at some point in their lives as lesbians, or as women/femmes who were attracted to women - some of them part of the Baby Boomer generation and some part of the Millennial generation. Participants from both generations rejected the gender binary. Nevertheless, we found a shift away from understanding gender as an oppressive category to an understanding of gender as a proliferating identity in which one may play with gender in an intentional and creative manner. It appears that participants across generations articulated their sexual identities strategically to express not only a sexual orientation but more importantly political and community alliances. For Baby Boomer lesbians, lesbian identity connoted an alliance with feminism, and for Millennials their sexual identity indicated a political alliance with queer and trans* movements. In order to sustain solidarity between lesbians of different generations, we suggest that narratives about gender should include both intrinsic and extrinsic components. We further suggest that the political project of ending the oppression of all lesbians/women who love women is fraught, but essential in a world that hates women.

signatuur: ts.

Comparing conceptions of gender, sexuality and lesbian identity between baby boomers and millennials
Ella Ben Hagai, Rachelle Annechino & Tamar Antin.
Journal of Lesbian Studies

Beissreflexe : Kritik an queerem Aktivismus, autoritären Sehnsüchten, Sprechverboten  / 

Patsy l'Amour laLove (Hrsg.).Berlin: Querverlag, 2022 - 286 p.
uitgave: Berlin: Querverlag, 2022 - 286 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 269-280.
samenvatting: Queer steht für eine selbstbewusst perverse Entgegnung zum heterosexuellen Wahnsinn und der Feindseligkeit gegen das Anderssein. Queerer Aktivismus wurde in Zeiten von AIDS als Selbstbehauptung verstanden: Die Perversen und Unangepassten - Schwule, Lesben und Transmenschen - kümmerten sich umeinander und kämpften gemeinsam. Die Queer Theory der 1990er Jahre griff ihre Kritik mit emanzipatorischer Zielsetzung wissenschaftlich auf. Queer hat in den vergangenen Jahren eine bedeutsame Veränderung erfahren. Queerer Aktivismus operiert häufig mit Konzepten wie "Critical Whiteness", "Homonormativität" und "kulturelle Aneignung". Ein Kampfbegriff lautet "Privilegien" und wittert hinter jedem gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt den Verrat emanzipatorischer Ideale. Oft erweckt dieser Aktivismus den Anschein einer dogmatischen Polit-Sekte. Das Ziel ist nicht selten die Zerstörung des sozialen Lebens der Angegriffenen. In dem Sammelband Beißreflexe widmen sich mehr als 20 Autor_innen dieser Form von queerem Aktivismus und ihren theoretischen Hintergründen aus einer Perspektive, die an die teilweise vergessene oder abgewehrte selbstbewusste Entgegnung von Queer anschließt.

signatuur: cat. (amour/bei) b


Beissreflexe : Kritik an queerem Aktivismus, autoritären Sehnsüchten, Sprechverboten
cat. (amour/bei) b ODE3
Patsy l'Amour laLove (Hrsg.).

"Girls who like girls" : Using affordances for queer activism on TikTok  / Yael Cohen.

Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2021 - 36 p.
uitgave: Utrecht : Universiteit Utrecht, 2021 - 36 p.
  1. internet
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: TikTok, a social media platform for sharing short videos, has become an increasingly popular venue for queer online activism, as people use it to fight against discrimination and to normalize the existence of LGBTQ+ identities. In one such instance, a number of queer women protested against a trend they deemed problematic. This trend, referred to as the "girls who like girls"? trend, consisted of men lip-syncing and dancing to a song about women who are attracted to women, which a lot of queer women considered to be perpetuating sexual objectification. This issue has negatively affected queer women for ages, as they have often been seen and presented by the media as merely objects to be looked at through the male gaze, and their attraction to women as only existing for heterosexual men's pleasure. This case study provides a clear example of how queer women can actively speak up against sexual objectification, by using the affordances of the TikTok app - specifically the affordances of easy creation, direct interaction, sound choice and hashtags. In this thesis, twenty of the protest videos made in response to the controversial "girls who like girls" trend are examined through a qualitative content analysis - a form of textual analysis. I argue that queer women on TikTok use the affordances of the app to fight against sexual objectification by employing three strategies of queer activism: calling out problematic phenomena and behavior, connecting with community to create queer spaces, and producing representation through self-expression. These findings shed a light on the various ways in which social media can be used for the purposes of queer activism.

signatuur: cat. (cohen/gir)

dgb grijs

"Girls who like girls" : Using affordances for queer activism on TikTok
cat. (cohen/gir)dgb grijs

The (r)evolution of the menstrual cycle : the spiritual and queer perspectives of the menstrual movement in conversation  / Marissa Schut.

Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht, 2022 - 50 p.
uitgave: Utrecht : Universiteit Utrecht, 2022 - 50 p.
  1. vrouwenemancipatie
  2. lhbti
samenvatting: Rising from the ashes of taboo and shame, menstruation has become a hot topic over the past few years which is mirrored in the fast-growing movement of menstrual activism. My thesis focuses on the menstrual movement within the cybergrounds of the social media platform Instagram, where menstrual activism has gained a newfound presence. Within the Instagram menstrual movement I have observed a tension between two perspectives: the spiritual; focused on reclaiming menstruation as the embodiment of womanhood/femininity, a source of power in the face of patriarchy, and the queer; focused on reimagining the cycle beyond the gender and sex binary, with inclusion and diversity at the center. Applying a combination of feminist close reading and visual analysis, my research puts these two perspectives in conversation with each other, to form an expansive perspective on the menstrual cycle; a starting point to see the menstrual cycle differently. Zooming in on the Instagram menstrual movement and its queer and spiritual perspectives, I build on the archetypes of the goddess and the cyborg they embody and weave the menstrual cycle as a space for the paradoxical, offering a hybrid figuration to challenge normative perspectives. Combining nomadic feminism, feminist new materialism as well as queer theory and crip theory, this research explores how these theoretical frameworks can be used to write the menstrual cycle as a queer feminist figuration. Because I am working with the menstrual cycle as a queer feminist figuration, it is not my intention to move away from the matter, instead I am looking to see it differently. Through a close reading on menstrual matter and its multiple layers (menstrual cycle, reproductive system, hormonal system), the menstrual cycle becomes a vessel for social resistance and a fertile ground for transformation.

signatuur: cat. (schut/rev)

dgb grijs

The (r)evolution of the menstrual cycle : the spiritual and queer perspectives of the menstrual movement in conversation
cat. (schut/rev)dgb grijs

Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution : An Oral History  / 

Editors: Liam Warfield, Walter Crasshole, and Yony Leyser; Introduction: Anna Joy Springer and Lynn Breedlove.Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2021 - xxvi, 173 p.: ill.
uitgave: Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2021 - xxvi, 173 p.: ill.
samenvatting: Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution: An Oral History is the very first comprehensive overview of a movement that defied both the music underground and the LGBT mainstream community. Through exclusive interviews with protagonists like Bruce LaBruce, G.B. Jones, Jayne County, Kathleen Hanna of Bikini Kill and Le Tigre, film director and author John Waters, Lynn Breedlove of Tribe 8, Jon Ginoli of Pansy Division, and many more, alongside a treasure trove of never-before-seen photographs and reprinted zines from the time, Queercore traces the history of a scene originally fabricated? in the bedrooms and coffee shops of Toronto and San Francisco by a few young, queer punks to its emergence as a relevant and real revolution. Queercore is a down-to-details firsthand account of the movement explored by the people that lived it - from punk's early queer elements, to the moment that Toronto kids decided they needed to create a scene that didn't exist, to Pansy Division's infiltration of the mainstream, and the emergence of riot grrrl - as well as the clothes, zines, art, film, and music that made this movement an exciting middle finger to complacent gay and straight society. Queercore will stand as both a testament to radically gay politics and culture and an important reference for those who wish to better understand this explosive movement.

signatuur: cat. (warfi/cra) b

Queercore: How to Punk a Revolution : An Oral History
cat. (warfi/cra) b
Editors: Liam Warfield, Walter Crasshole, and Yony Leyser; Introduction: Anna Joy Springer and Lynn Breedlove.

To Be Seen. Queer Lives 1900-1950  / 

Ed. by Karolina Kühn, Mirjam Zadoff.München: Hirmer, 2023 - 399 p.: ill.
uitgave: München: Hirmer, 2023 - 399 p.: ill.
samenvatting: The contributions that have been assembled in this volume present the story of queer lives - from the first emancipation movements around the turn of the (last) century via attempts at self-empowerment in the Weimar Republic to the destruction of queer subcultures under the National Socialist regime and the continued discrimination of LGBTIQ* persons in the postwar period. Since the late 19th century, increasing numbers of people have self-assuredly championed the recognition of queer lifestyles. These pioneers formed collectives, made their voices heard and questioned dominant gender categories politically, scientifically and artistically. Through essays, interviews and artworks the authors and artists illustrate this struggle for recognition which was forcefully prevented and destroyed following the seizure of power by the National Socialists and almost forgotten after 1945.

signatuur: cat. (kuehn-k/see) bb

To Be Seen. Queer Lives 1900-1950
cat. (kuehn-k/see) bb
Ed. by Karolina Kühn, Mirjam Zadoff.

Out North: An Archive of Queer Activism and Kinship in Canada  / 

Graig Jennex, Nisha Eswaran.Vancouver: Figure 1 Publishing, 2020 - 291 p.: ill.
uitgave: Vancouver: Figure 1 Publishing, 2020 - 291 p.: ill.
annotatie: Bibliogr.: p. 276-278.
samenvatting: The ArQuives, the largest independent LGBTQ2+ archive in the world, is dedicated to collecting, preserving, and celebrating the stories and histories of LGBTQ2+ people in Canada. Since 1973, volunteers have amassed a vast collection of important artifacts that speak to personal experiences and significant historical moments for Canadian queer communities. Out North: An Archive of Queer Activism and Kinship in Canada is a fascinating exploration and examination of one nation's queer history and activism, and Canada's definitive visual guide to LGBTQ2+ movements, struggles, and achievements.

signatuur: cat. (jenne/esw) bb

Out North: An Archive of Queer Activism and Kinship in Canada
cat. (jenne/esw) bb
Graig Jennex, Nisha Eswaran.


( DE:"queer activisme" )

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